These are among the safest and most popular kinds on the market. They have multiple advantages which is mostly why people opt for them. Here are the pros of an in-wall safe:
- Easy Access – it’s usually installed at eye level which instantly makes it easier to open than any other type. You don’t have to bend in order to get anything out which is especially useful in emergencies.
- Saves Space – because it’s inside your wall, this type of vault doesn’t take up any space of your room.
- Ultimate Security – nobody can steal the valuables inside the safe if they can’t find it. These boxes are easy to cover up with paintings, mirrors and larger pieces of furniture.
Like every product, these also come with some setbacks in design or security level. Though each model has disadvantages of its own, here are some of the most common issues:
- Usually Not Fireproof – these usually aren’t as fireproof as other types. Some high-end models can withstand certain heat, but they mostly aren’t meant to protect against fire.
- Not Very Large – some models are tall and can fit rifles, but wall safes usually aren’t very deep because of overall wall thickness.
- Can Be Pried From Wall – though it’s not as easy to break into one, everyone can pry it from the wall with enough time on their hands.
One advantage a wall safe has over every other is the confidentiality and privacy it provides. These are so easy to hide behind different items such as pictures, mirrors, furniture, etc. This way, it’s highly unlikely anyone will be able to notice the vault.
Stand-alone is not as easy to conceal. You’d have to be smart and organize your room in a way that would distract people away from the vault.
Plus, a stand-alone is a bit inconvenient to open in emergencies. You’d have to bend and dial your combination which isn’t always the easiest thing to do in high-stress situations. A wall safe is simple to open as it’s at a higher level.
These are the best in-wall safes you can get for the different weapons you have. Choose one from our list depending on the size and number of guns in your collection.
Make sure to consider the locking mechanism that works the best for you.
Biometric safes are usually the easiest to open though some people consider electric ones more reliable. Think about where you’ll install it and how you’d hide it.
Once you have a general idea of the in-wall safe you want, double-check the list above to find the one that will keep your firearm away from curious guests, children, and burglars.